Micro-tomografia a raggi-X

Gli scienziati dell’ Hellenic Centre for Marine Research sono riusciti a vedere l’interno di un organismo senza toccarlo attraverso la micro-tomografia a raggi-X, che consente di scendere a una profondità di dettagli sbalorditiva, ed è ottima per la scansione di organismi molto piccoli.
Si tratta di una tecnica simile a quella della classica Tac usata a scopo medico, che da poco tempo viene impiegata nello studio sistematico della tassonomia.
La tomografia serve a visualizzare sezioni trasversali di corpi tridimensionali, allo scopo di costruirne in seguito un modello virtuale, senza bisogno di intaccare l’oggetto in esame.
L’obiettivo di questa ricerca, appena pubblicata sulla rivista peer-reviewed “ZooKeys”, è quello di realizzare un archivio digitale con tutte le visualizzazioni create, e contribuire in questo modo al lavoro degli zoologi nell’identificazione delle creature del Pianeta. Per il momento i ricercatori sono partiti da piccole creature tipiche della fauna marina del Mediterraneo.


Continuous improvements in the resolution of three-dimensional imaging have led to an increased application of these techniques in conventional taxonomic research in recent years. Coupled with an ever increasing research effort in cybertaxonomy, three-dimensional imaging could give a boost to the development of virtual specimen collections, allowing rapid and simultaneous access to accurate virtual representations of type material. This paper explores the potential of micro-computed tomography (X-ray micro-tomography), a non-destructive three-dimensional imaging technique based on mapping X-ray attenuation in the scanned object, for supporting research in systematics and taxonomy. The subsequent use of these data as virtual type material, so-called “cybertypes”, and the creation of virtual collections lie at the core of this potential. Sample preparation, image acquisition, data processing and presentation of results are demonstrated using polychaetes (bristle worms), a representative taxon of macro-invertebrates, as a study object. Effects of the technique on the morphological, anatomical and molecular identity of the specimens are investigated. The paper evaluates the results and discusses the potential and the limitations of the technique for creating cybertypes. It also discusses the challenges that the community might face to establish virtual collections. Potential future applications of three-dimensional information in taxonomic research are outlined, including an outlook to new ways of producing, disseminating and publishing taxonomic information.

[Sarah Faulwetter, Aikaterini Vasileiadou, Michail Kouratoras, Thanos Dailianis, Christos Arvanitidis. Micro-computed tomography: Introducing new dimensions to taxonomy. ZooKeys 263 (2013) : 1-45]

ABSTRACT: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/zookeys/article/4261/abstract/micro-computed-tomography-introducing
FULL TEXT: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/zookeys/article/4261/micro-computed-tomography-introducing

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